The relation between quiet ego and self-consciousness among emerging adults in India


  • Jyoti Mariam Jacob Student, Sampurna Montfort College, Bangalore North University, Banglore, India
  • Dr. Sudhamayi Assistant Professor, Sampurna Montfort College, Bangalore North University, Banglore, India



Quiet- Ego, Self-Consciousness, Emerging Adults


Quiet ego refers to a sense of self-identity that rises above egoism and adopts a less defensive and balanced attitude towards the self and others. Self-consciousness then, is a heightened sense of self awareness. This study attempts to explore relation between the Quiet Ego and Self-Consciousness of an individual. The study follows correlational design. 319 individuals aged 18-25 years participated in the study. An online Google form comprising of the consent and the two scales were sent across to all participants.  The Self-Consciousness Scale-Revised and The Quiet Ego scale were the tools used.  The results posit that Private self-consciousness is positively and significantly correlated with quiet ego. Social anxiety is negatively and significantly correlated with quiet ego. Public self-consciousness does not show significant correlation with quiet ego, thus leading to no correlation between quiet ego and self-consciousness. This study understands how quiet ego and self-consciousness plays out among emerging adults.


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How to Cite

Jyoti Mariam Jacob, & Dr. Sudhamayi. (2022). The relation between quiet ego and self-consciousness among emerging adults in India. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(1). 10.25215/0801.080