A descriptive study to assess the relationship among aggression, group behavior and bullying in adolescents


  • Mr. Vashishtha Selvan Clinical Psychologist, Director, Selvan Neuropsychological Care Center, Lucknow, U.P, India





Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among adolescence that involves a real or perceived power imbalanced since adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood. Being bullied and aggressive behavior are serious problems that negatively affect school children’s mental health and achievement. Peer pressure leads the adolescents to depression and even develop stress in their lives. So keeping this in mind the adolescents should be educated to overcome the peer pressure and aggression which may result in good behavior, better and prospective future for the adolescents.


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How to Cite

Mr. Vashishtha Selvan. (2022). A descriptive study to assess the relationship among aggression, group behavior and bullying in adolescents. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(1). https://doi.org/ 10.25215/0801.082