Educational growth at elementary level studies on reading, writing and math skills


  • Dr. Anita Kumari Psychologist, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India



BC-Backwards caste, SC-schedule caste, UC- upper caste, UEE- Universal of elementary education, math skills, reading, writing


Children’s are asset of nation. Childhood is distinct phase of human life span psychologist concerns of childhood as highly eventful & unique time of life that lays the foundation for the adult year. Here work on the elementary level educational growth on Reading, Writing and arithmetic Skills the main objective to study to find out SC students, BC Students and UC students of Government primary schools under UEE Word not differ significantly with respect to their scores on vocabulary test and Mathematical skills. The test used for Assessments vocabulary test and copying test. The total 300 sample collected from different government schools Gaya District of Bihar, India.


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How to Cite

Dr. Anita Kumari. (2022). Educational growth at elementary level studies on reading, writing and math skills. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(2). 10.25215/0802.009