Parent’s tolerance for the behavioural problems among adolescents with oral facial clefts


  • Prof. (Dr). Nandini. M Vice- Principal, HOD- Child Health Nursing, Aswini College of Nursing, Minor Road, Nadathara.P.O, Thrissur, Kerala (ST), India
  • Prof. (Dr). C. Jayan



Oral facial clefts; Adolescents; Behavioral problems


The present non-experimental descriptive research study undertaken to assess the parents rating of the frequency behavioral problems among adolescents with oral facial clefts and their tolerance of the problem, had sample size of 85 adolescents who are undergoing for staged surgical procedure for oral facial clefts. A standardized questionnaire was used to record parents rating of the frequency of the behavioral problems. The result reveals that 85.9% of the children are having low intensity and low problem, where as 3.55 of samples are having high intensity and low problem. Out of 36 behavior listed, the mean score of three problems like get angry when doesn’t get his way, has temper tantrum and cries easily are 2.22, 2.39 and 2.18 respectively. The data also reveals there is no significant difference between gender on behavioral problems. The data suggest that parents may have high tolerance for misbehavior.


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How to Cite

Prof. (Dr). Nandini. M, & Prof. (Dr). C. Jayan. (2022). Parent’s tolerance for the behavioural problems among adolescents with oral facial clefts. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(2). 10.25215/0802.014