Covid-19 and life satisfaction: An exploratory study among youth


  • Dharvinder Singh
  • Karuna Gupta
  • Arti Bakhshi



Covid-19, Fear, Life satisfaction, Youth


The outbreak and spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has physical as well as the psychosocial impact on the individuals worldwide. In most of the countries in order to prevent the spread of this pandemic measures like social distancing and lockdown have been implemented which caused disruptions in daily routine that ultimately effects the mental health of the people. The present study aims to explore the fear of COVID-19 and its relationship with life satisfaction in youth. Gender and age differences in the fear of COVID-19 and life satisfaction were also studied. A sample of 256 adolescents (16-19) and young adults (20-25) of Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab (India) were taken. Significant negative relationship was found between fear of COVID-19 and life satisfaction among the youth. No significant gender differences were found in the fear of COVID-19 and life satisfaction. No significant age differences were found in the fear of COVID-19 but significant age differences were found in life satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Dharvinder Singh, Karuna Gupta, & Arti Bakhshi. (2022). Covid-19 and life satisfaction: An exploratory study among youth. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(2). 10.25215/0802.042