Physical and emotional distress level among alcohol addicts under the rehabilitation – a facility based cross-sectional study in and around Belagavi


  • Ms. Shraddha Vijay Kullur
  • Dr. Shiwaswamy M.S. Professor of Community Medicine, KAHER’s J.N. Medical college, Belagavi, India
  • Dr. Yasmin D. Nadaf Assistant Professor of Psychology, KAHER’s J.N. Medical college, Belagavi India



Alcohol Addicts, Physical Distress and Emotional Distress


Stress is a normal part of life. Exposure to stress often leads to psychological and physical distress. Alcoholism is a current major concern in developing and underdeveloped countries. Alcohol has been hypothesized to serve as a coping mechanism against stress. The main aim of this study is to examine the levels of physical and emotional distress among the alcohol addicts under the rehabilitation. The results of the study showed that level of physical distress is high than the emotional distress among the alcohol addicts under the rehabilitation center (p<0.001).


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How to Cite

Ms. Shraddha Vijay Kullur, Dr. Shiwaswamy M.S., & Dr. Yasmin D. Nadaf. (2022). Physical and emotional distress level among alcohol addicts under the rehabilitation – a facility based cross-sectional study in and around Belagavi. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(2). 10.25215/0802.110