Risk factors involved in domestic violence: an intervention to help in positive integration of the family


  • Dr. J.Swapna Jaidupally Post Doc Fallow- ICSSR, Department of Psychology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India




Domestic Violence, Social Problems, Women


Domestic violence is a common problem that may affect more than a quarter of women. It is a complex area in which to undertake research. Studies often focus on selected populations and exhibit a diversity of design, making comparison difficult. This review focuses on physical and emotional abuse by men against women partners or ex-partner. Domestic violence frequently goes undetected. Women may not reveal that they are experiencing violence; Women experience a range of health and social problems in association with domestic violence, including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse and pregnancy complications.  Research is needed to establish the prevalence of domestic violence in women. Investigate how the problem is currently being addressed. If progress is to be made in tackling domestic violence, risk factors causing domestic violence needed to be addressed and fundamental change in the aggression attitudes of men which is causing violence towards women is required. The prevalence of domestic abuse against women has been estimated as high as one in four. The risk is particularly high for women who are younger, economically dependent, unemployed and with children. Research about the factors that maintain situations of abuse has generally focused separately on the coping strategies of women, barriers to leaving the relationship and the perpetrators’ means of abuse.


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How to Cite

Dr. J.Swapna Jaidupally. (2022). Risk factors involved in domestic violence: an intervention to help in positive integration of the family. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 8(2). https://doi.org/ 10.25215/0802.143