Metamemory among Adolescents: A Review


  • Murshida Khatoon Senior Research Fellow, Psychology Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
  • Debdulal Dutta Roy Associate Professor, Psychology Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India



Metamemory, Memory, Adolescents.


Metamemory refers to the monitoring and control of memory processes. Theorists also include general knowledge and beliefs about memory processes under the purview of metamemory. Researchers have investigated various aspects of metamemory across various age groups and clinical groups over the last few decades. However, metamemory research among adolescent population seems to be relatively less, particularly in the past 10-15 years. The present review examines metamemory studies among the adolescent population (both general and clinical populations) in recent years. Book chapters and metamemory studies on adolescents( from 2000 to present) were reviewed. The studies included in this report were obtained from Google search and other specialized databases such as ScienceDirect and APAPsychNET with relevant keyword feeds. Review suggests that majority of metamemory studies have mostly been conducted on adults, old adults and children from both general and clinical population. The adolescent group has received little attention in recent years. Another observation is a differential pattern of correlation between metamemory and memory performance.


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How to Cite

Murshida Khatoon, & Debdulal Dutta Roy. (2022). Metamemory among Adolescents: A Review. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 5(1). 10.25215/0501.008