A Comparative Study of Mental Health among Old People


  • Dr. Vandana N Solanki Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India




Mental Health, Old People, Old Age Home, Family


The study was intended to examine the effect of mental health on old people. Aim: The aim was to estimate the prevalence of mental health in old people and to determine the association of mental health with types of family and gender. Sample: The sample consists of 120 old people from different old age home and family in Rajkot district area. The sample was selected from randomly. Design: 2*2research design was used the present study. Tools: Mental Health was measured through a questionnaire ‘Mental Health Inventory’was used. Test developed by Bhatt D & Gida G. in (1992).The data was analyzed by the t test. Results: There will be no significant difference between Gender and Types of Area in relation to their mental health. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates a higher prevalence of mental health in old people.


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How to Cite

Dr. Vandana N Solanki. (2022). A Comparative Study of Mental Health among Old People. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 5(1). https://doi.org/ 10.25215/0501.038