Job Characteristics and Performance: The Mediating Role of Job Crafting


  • Dr. Chandrani Sen Sr. Asstt. Professor, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Ms. Surbhi Dulara Research Scholar, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India



Job Characteristics, Job Crafting, Performance


The present paper aims to establish an exploratory research in the relationship between job characteristics and performance while evaluating the mediating role of job crafting. Service industry being the target zone with 100 middle level managers working in esteemed organizations (5 star hotels). Mediation analysis was assessed through PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2012) in SPSS. With correlational analysis it was explored that all the three variables were significantly and positively related. Job crafting as a mediator between the two constructs was also analyzed wherein it showcased a partial mediation between job characteristics and task performance and also between job characteristics and contextual performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that employees who engage in the acts of job crafting are more likely to perform better.


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How to Cite

Dr. Chandrani Sen, & Ms. Surbhi Dulara. (2022). Job Characteristics and Performance: The Mediating Role of Job Crafting. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 5(1). 10.25215/0501.068