Happiness Experiences and Transformation in Yoga and Spirituality Practitioners


  • Dr. Suneetha Kandi




Happiness, Bliss, Spiritual experiences, experiential knowledge, Positive psychology


Indian Psychology (the applied aspects of Indian Philosophy) has withstood the test of time.  In one sense, it is more ‘scientific’ than actual science because the theories of science have been proved and then disproved, in light of new inventions and discoveries, but those of Indian psychology as postulated in yoga psychology texts have not been negated and continue to thrive.  Another reason for these Truths to be still relevant is the fact that many of them can be validated by the experiential knowledge and individual personalized experiences of the people who adopt them.  Ānanda or happiness/bliss is one such concept.   In this paper an attempt is made to discuss the personal narrations of the experience of happiness. The results of this study indicated that this ānanda or rather traces of this everlasting ‘imperishable’ happiness, is experienced while on the path and it results in transformation of the individual. This study on ānanda experiences can lend support and throw new light on happiness and positive psychology.


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How to Cite

Dr. Suneetha Kandi. (2022). Happiness Experiences and Transformation in Yoga and Spirituality Practitioners. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 5(1). https://doi.org/ 10.25215/0501.076