Neurocognitive Aspects of Alexithymia: A Review


  • Saumya Dhiman Student (MSc Psychology), Amity University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Alexithymia, Cognition, Emotions, Executive Functioning, Neural Correlates


The understanding and expression of feelings is natural to majority of us. Moreover, it is a corollary to several facets of daily human functioning, yet not everyone possesses this disposition. This condition is called alexithymia which translates into no words for emotions. Identified officially in 1970s by Peter Sifneos, the condition has seen tremendous shift in its understanding from psychosomatic perspective to neuro-cognitive perspective. The current paper is a literature review of this construct and provides insights into neuro-cognitive aspects. For this purpose, a total of 9 papers were downloaded and reviewed. Findings suggest that it shows high comorbidity with several psychopathological conditions and has consequences for physical health. More studies are required to comprehend the role of amygdala. Further, fewer studies have focussed on cognitive aspects and its implications. Alexithymia despite gained interest requires more intensive research to understand other aspects such as executive functioning from a holistic view.


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How to Cite

Saumya Dhiman. (2022). Neurocognitive Aspects of Alexithymia: A Review. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(2).