A Review of Tele-Therapy Possibilities in Combating Psychological Distress of COVID-19 In India


  • Dr. Arjyalopa Mishra Assistant Professor, National Law University, Odisha, India
  • Amartya Shreya Research Scholar, National Law University, Odisha, India




COVID-19, Mental Health Laws, Psychological Distress, Tele therapy, Disaster management


The rapid transmission characteristic of the COVID 19 virus is a huge concern for humanity. With the rising death toll and unavailability of the vaccine, it has been creating psychological distress around the globe. This paper through its doctrinal approach has tried to explore the various guidelines or enactments for psychosocial support and mental health services, adopted in various countries. It is necessary to attempt to understand the policies incorporated by various countries in combatting psychological distress during the pandemic to help people cope with the contingency and be resilient in adapting to the new normal. This paper also looks into the strategy adopted by government in dealing with mental health issues specifically in India which is still struggling to have a legal enactment on remote Mental Health Services.  Tele Therapy has been a success in the state of Kerala in India. Hence the paper focuses on the different programmes undertaken by the Kerala government to combat mental health related issues to the general masses and the people in quarantine.


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How to Cite

Dr. Arjyalopa Mishra, & Amartya Shreya. (2022). A Review of Tele-Therapy Possibilities in Combating Psychological Distress of COVID-19 In India. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.25215/0902.087