Self-Esteem and Happiness among Young Adolescents of Jammu & Kashmir State
Self-esteem, AdolescentAbstract
Self-esteem has a crucial role to play in position as to determine a personality leading to the development of an individual’s overall level of happiness and about how they feel regarding themselves. Self-esteem can also be defined as one’s subjective evaluation of his or her own value, a measure of how confident a person is of what they can achieve with their own capabilities. It is considered as a major component to a person’s mental health and stability. The main objective of this study is to explore how self-esteem affects the level of happiness among young adolescents. 2 questionnaires were forwarded to a group of adolescents aged between 18-25 years (Males-28, Females-28). A total number of 100 adolescents were selected from various colleges of Jammu & Kashmir. Quantitative approach was used along with Descriptive research design. Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale (RSES, 1965) perhaps the most widely used instrument for the assessment of trait self-esteem, defined as relatively stable feelings of overall self-worth were used to assess the levels of self-esteem among adolescents. Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ), a widely used scale for assessment of personal happiness was used to assess the levels of happiness. Pearson Correlation test was incorporated to reach the final findings. According to the Correlation test, there is no significant relationship between self-esteem and happiness and results, therefore were found to be rejecting the hypothesis.Metrics
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How to Cite
Shabnam Hemayun, & Mr. Krishnan Bhatt. (2022). Self-Esteem and Happiness among Young Adolescents of Jammu & Kashmir State. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(2).