Correlation Between Parent Involvement Level and Academic Performance of Male-Female School Student
Parental Involvement, Academic performance, School Students, education.Abstract
Parental involvement plays a big role in child development in terms of interpersonal relationship, social relationship, academics, academic performances, intellectual abilities, etc. parents’ guidance, motivation, support for their children is one of the keys and determining factor for personality building of that child. This study aimed at finding out the correlation of parent’s involvement level and school student’s academic performance and study the difference between the male and female student’s academic performance. Methods and Materials: Descriptive-correlational research design was used for conducting the present study. The study was conducted at various government and private Higher Secondary schools in Assam. The population of the study includes school students from class 7th grade to 12th grade (13-18 age group) of Assam studying under the Central Board of Secondary Education and Assam Higher Secondary Education Council. A total of 500 school students, 250 male, 250 females were selected from various randomly selected schools of Assam. In the present study, simple random sampling has been used to collect the required data. Chouhan and Arora, The Parental Involvement Scale (2009) was used to measure parental involvement. The scale consists of 25 statements. Each statement has five options namely- Always, Often, Sometimes, Rarely, never. Academic achievement of students was collected from marks they received in their final exam. Results: Study findings showed that there is a significant positive correlation between parental involvement, and school student’s academic performance (<0.01), study findings also showed that there is a significant difference between male and female student’s academic achievement. Conclusion: The finding of the study indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between parental involvement level and school student’s academic performance. study findings also stated that there is a significant difference between female and male student’s academic performance. Being the first teacher for every child’s parent plays a major role in a child’s academics and performance. Every parent should try to provide a positive environment for their children without keeping in mind the gender. Equal guidance, support, and motivation should be provided to both genders without showing any kind of discrimination.Metrics
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How to Cite
Bahniman Boruah, & Kanishka Parashar. (2022). Correlation Between Parent Involvement Level and Academic Performance of Male-Female School Student. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(2).