Gender Differences in Marital Adjustment Among Single Earner Couples and Dual Earner Couples in Indian Society


  • Raksha Singh
  • Anshubhi Bahadur



Gender differences, Ethnicity, Marital Adjustment and Couples


The present study aimed to examine the gender differences in marital adjustment among single and dual earner couples between 25 to 45 years of age range (Single earner couples =200; Working males =100 and Non-working females=100 and Dual Earner Couples=200; Working males=100 and Working Female s=100). The total sample consisted of 400 couples. The Marital Adjustment Questionnaire (MAQ) developed by Kanchana Rohatgi and Pramod Kumar were used for collection of data. Exploratory analyses and t –test of variables across gender and marriage categories was carried out. Correlation analyses were carried out in order to have a better understanding about the relationship among variables. Results indicated that there is a significant gender difference among single earner couples and dual earner couples in marital adjustment (p<.05). It reveals that dual earner couples have better marital adjustment than single earner couples. It also reveals that the demographic variable ethnicity did not have significant difference in marital adjustment (p>.05).


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How to Cite

Raksha Singh, & Anshubhi Bahadur. (2022). Gender Differences in Marital Adjustment Among Single Earner Couples and Dual Earner Couples in Indian Society. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(4).