Migration of Youth: Hassles and Opportunity


  • Jyoti Kanoujiya Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, S.S. Khanna Girls Degree College, Allahabad, India




Migration, Youth, Hassles, Opportunity


Migration offers endless youngsters openings for instruction, work, abilities securing, self-awareness, and strengthening that may have been inaccessible at home. Be that as it may, hardly any approaches and practices are set up to address extensively the difficulties confronting youthful transients, or understanding their latent capacity. Many are gone up against with joblessness, separation, abuse, social rejection, and the shortfall of social insurance. While migration can be an engaging encounter for ladies, by and large, traveler young ladies and young ladies can likewise confront specific sexual orientation-based dangers. Particularly in the midst of monetary emergency, travelers face antagonism and are transformed into substitutes, faulted for joblessness and other social and financial ills. All the more comprehensively, both beginning and objective social orders regularly see migration just as an issue, botching the fundamental chance presented by not really set in stone youthful transients.


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How to Cite

Jyoti Kanoujiya. (2022). Migration of Youth: Hassles and Opportunity. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.25215/0904.075