Resilience and Mindfulness as Predictor of Psychological well-being among Teachers


  • Mamta Research Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, India
  • Dr. Sandeep Singh



Resilience, Mindfulness, psychological well being


Teaching is the most respected profession in our society. Working in the field of education is exciting as well as demanding. Due to technological advancement, increased competition, high expectations of parents, conflict at work place, pupil discipline etc. teaching in school has become stressful. The stress faced by teachers may have great impact on the wellbeing of teachers and on the school organization as a whole. High level of stress can lead to burnout, exhaustion psychosomatic complaints and lack of work engagement. The teacher should have good physical and mental health and balanced personality. There is a growing interest in identifying the psychological factors that enhance positivity and well being among teachers. So, the current study explores the effect of resilience and mindfulness in explaining psychological well being among teachers. For this purpose, a total sample of 200 teachers (100 male teachers and 100 female teachers) within age range of 25-40 years was selected randomly from different schools. The teachers were assessed with well being Scale developed by Ryff (1989) Resilience Scale by Wagnild and Young(1987) and Day to Day Experience by Brown(2003) to measure mindfulness. Linear Regression analysis revealed that both resilience as well as mindfulness predict psychological well-being among teachers in significant way. This shows that teachers who were mindful and resilient reported higher levels of psychological well-being.


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How to Cite

Mamta, & Dr. Sandeep Singh. (2022). Resilience and Mindfulness as Predictor of Psychological well-being among Teachers. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(4).